
Hi, I’m Luca. Coming from a background in engineering, marketing, and computer science, I have found my true passion in steering technological advancements towards economically sustainable and socially equitable directions. My core research focuses on fairness and transparency in AI which both offer tremendeous potentials (but also risks) for social good. Currently, I am looking into the value of explanations for AI decision-subjects fostering a stakeholder-centerd approach. Parallely, we are developing exciting open-education materials at our ABBA-project

I am fascinated by engaging with colleagues from all sorts of backgrounds. This is why I want to build my fairness research around insights from computer scientists, ethicists, social scientists, legal experts, but also from all people affected by AI. The university of Bayreuth offers perfect grounds for such interdisciplinary endeavors. Here I am also embedded in the FIM research institute for information management full of fun and inspiring colleagues!


January ‘24.   In the context of our ABBA-project, my colleague Valentin Mayer and I conducted several lecture hall experiments centered around fairness in AI. Our students engaged in great discussions: LinkedIn-Post

Oct ‘23.   Our joint work “A critical survey on fairness benefits of XAI” with Jakob, Maria, and Niklas was accepted to the XAIA Workshop @ NeurIPS ‘23 and will be presented in New Orleans in December.

May ‘23.   I started my journey as a PhD student at University of Bayreuth, supervised by Prof. Niklas Kuehl.